By God's grace, I have learned a thing or two in the 44 years since I became a born-again Christian at age 13 in 1980. I have read many Bible commentaries but have often been disappointed that theologians avoid commenting on the passages I looked up. Therefore, my goal in this blog is not to comment on the entire Holy Bible; but rather, to share what I have learned. To God alone be ALL the praise and credit. Jesus is precious!

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Exodus 20:15

Exodus 20:15, “Thou shalt not steal.

Pop-Tarts were first produce in 1964, and still today, by the Kellanova company. I hadn't eaten a Pop-Tart in over 10 years. But this past week I was craving a Pop-Tart, which I was fond of when I was younger. So, I went to Walmart and I bought a couple boxes of Pop-Tarts. I wanted to wait until Christmas Day to eat one. I opened the box yesterday with eagerness, anticipating my long lost tasty treat, but I was horribly disappointed when I took the first bite. Oh no, they shrunk the Pop-Tarts!!! I am sad that they have made their product inferior to compete with the slowly failing economy. Exodus 20:15, “Thou shalt not steal.

I guarantee you that things will get MUCH worse in our economy. Homes are already priced way out of reach for most Americans. Prices will continue to rise. Homelessness is just getting started. Within 25 years or sooner, if the Lord tarries His return, I humbly foresee 3 to 5 million Americans homeless on the streets and living in their vehicles. Right now there are about one million homeless Americans. Crime will increase at shocking levels. Increasingly, we will see lawlessness across the country without any resistance or intervention from law enforcement (just as we saw in the Black Lives Matter 2020 riots nationwide). Exodus 20:15, “Thou shalt not steal.

The Federal Reserve Act (passed into law in December of 1913 while most of Congress was away from the holidays) is the most heinous evil scam ever perpetrated upon the American people, which robs men of their hard-earned wealth, filling the pockets of the rich. The Federal Reserve is a Ponzi Scheme!!! It is inevitable that the U.S. economy must ultimately collapse, because the Federal Reserve is based on fraud, not actual wealth. The wicked families behind the Federal Reserve central banking system are thieves who ruthlessly steal men's labors under the guise of law and justice, earning nothing legitimate for themselves except the wrath and judgment of almighty God (Ecclesiastes 5:8).

The inspired Holy Bible commands mankind in Exodus 20:15, “Thou shalt not steal. But the fools who have hi-jacked our federal government and money supply think they are above justice. I assure you that they are not. There is a God in Heaven who sees and knows everything (Hebrews 4:13). Jesus warned in Matthew 12:36 that all men shall give account on Judgment Day even for our very words, including idle words (worthless small talk).

The Bible warns in Proverbs 24:12 that no human will be able to weasel their way out of judgment; no way to deceive God, because He can read our every thought and knows our intentions. Job 14:16 says that God knows how many steps we take. Do you think He doesn't see our sins? Mark 30:29 says that God knows the very number of hairs upon our head. Do you really think God doesn't see what those evil fraudsters have done to steal the wealth of U.S. citizens, who are at the mercy of their thuggish out of control federal government? Exodus 20:15, “Thou shalt not steal.

Woe unto our ungodly leaders who are willing accomplices to this ongoing evil scam. It is not a coincidence that you have to work hard for 30 or more years to pay off your insanely high mortgage. That was all calculated very carefully by the rotten Banksters! They want you to work your entire life, giving them all of your earned wealth; and if you are very lucky, you might be able to actually own your home for a year or two before you die. Exodus 20:15, “Thou shalt not steal.

Of course, all the while that you are trying to pay down your ridiculously high mortgage, you also have to pay for home insurance (fire, flood, earthquake, tornado, et cetera). And then you need to pay for Mortgage Insurance, in case you break a leg or get sick and cannot pay your mortgage payments (either that or the bank will foreclose as fast as they can to steal your home and all the interest you've paid them). Add to that car payments, tuition for your kid's private school (unless you have fed them to the Devil in a public school). You've got to pay for utility bills, food, gas, clothes, needed things, et cetera. No wonder so many people are being forced into poverty and homelessness in America!!! But come what may, you can be assured that the ungodly hellbound Banksters will get their money! I like what one man did when the bank foreclosed on his home—he burned it to the ground. That's not legal, but I can't blame him. BANKS ARE THIEVES!!! Exodus 20:15, “Thou shalt not steal.

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