By God's grace, I have learned a thing or two in the 44 years since I became a born-again Christian at age 13 in 1980. I have read many Bible commentaries but have often been disappointed that theologians avoid commenting on the passages I looked up. Therefore, my goal in this blog is not to comment on the entire Holy Bible; but rather, to share what I have learned. To God alone be ALL the praise and credit. Jesus is precious!

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Mark 1:15

Mark 1:15, “And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.”

The subject of repentance has been a source of hot debate for centuries among preachers. You can literally talk to ten different preachers and you'll get ten differing opinions of exactly what is required to repent.

For example: Cartoon evangelist Jack Chick (1924-2016) errantly taught that repentance means to “be willing to turn from sin.” That is biblically incorrect.

Another example are the incompetent pastors of Campus Church at Pensacola Christian College, who errantly teach that repentance means “to follow and obey God's will instead of your self-serving sins.”

And then there is the deadly false prophet, Ray Comfort, who errantly says:
“That's all repentance is—You've sinned against God; it's a matter of saying, 'God, I'm sorry,' and then LIVING A LIFESTYLE that proves the reality of your repentance. That's what repentance is, it's a continual thing! God, 'I'm sorry, but I'm not going going to lie or steal or blaspheme Your name ever again. It has that attitude! And the second thing—trust in Jesus!” [emphasis added]
As you can see, the previous three examples all teach something a little bit different than the others. None of these people have a correct understanding of what it means to repent; therefore, none of them have been born again. The only way to receive the new birth is to wholly trust in Jesus' name (John 6:40). The Gospel (meaning “Good News”) is comprised of three things; namely, Jesus death on the cross to pay our debt of sin, that He was buried and then three days later He bodily resurrected from the dead (1st Corinthians 15:1-4). Believe that Good News and you are saved.

What these other wicked false prophets preach is another gospel (2nd Corinthians 11:3-4). Woe unto Ray Comfort when he leaves this life, because Hell will be his eternal home (Matthew 7:21-23). What you just read by Mr. Comfort is a works-based-salvation. Repentance does not mean turning from sin. It does not mean living a lifestyle of forsaking your sinning. It does not mean to be willing to turn from your sins. It does not mean to follow and obey God's will instead of your own self-serving sins. These are all works, not God's free grace.

So what does “repentance mean? You need to know what you're being saved from. You are a guilty sinner and so am I (Romans 3:10-23). There is a penalty for sin, which is to spend eternity burning in Hell (Revelation 21:8). If you have a hard time accepting that Bible fact, it is only because you are comparing yourself to other sinners instead of a holy God.

One of my favorite Bible teachers, Pastor Brad Strand, gets repentance 100% correct...
True repentance has nothing to do with “turning from sin” and everything to do with “acknowledging one's sinfulness” (Jonah 3:5). Like the thief on the cross who simply acknowledged his sinfulness (Lk 23:39-43), the only part a person has in salvation is the beggar's part. —Pastor Brad Strand, “The Strand Study Bible,” p 1938-1939
The word “repent” in its various forms appears 60 times in the New Testament. In nearly every case it is either the Greek noun metanoia (“a change of mind), or the Greek verb metanoeo (to think differently”). In Matthew 27:3 we read that Judas Iscariot repented himself, but this is an entirely different Greek word, metamellomai, which means “to care afterwards, that is, regret.” Judas was sorry for betraying an innocent man, but he didn't think differently to admit that he was a sinner and Jesus is the Savior.

Over 90% of preachers today have been deceived by the Devil. They have made the fatal mistake of listening to what other preachers have to say, instead of studying the inspired Word of God for themselves. They are guilty of not rightly dividing the Word of Truth (2nd Timothy 2:15). Nowhere in the inspired King James Bible does it teach that repentance means to turn from sin, or even be willing to turn from sin to get to Heaven. Wicked false prophets fabricated that myth.

Since we know that sin brings death (Romans 6:23), our carnal nature tells us that turning from our sinful ways is the remedy, but it's not. You see, no matter how righteous a life you may live from this day forward, you cannot undo the sins of your past. James 2:10 tells us that to be guilty of even one sin makes us guilty of all sins. The reason is because even one sin makes us unrighteous, and nothing unrighteous can enter into God's Kingdom (Revelation 21:27). That is why you and I need a Savior. His precious name is Jesus.

No amount of turning over a new leaf, forsaking sinful ways, following Christ, giving up the world or trying to reform your old ways can cleanse your sins away. Only the precious blood of the Lamb of God can do that (1st John 1:29; 1st John 1:7; Revelation 1:5).

Mark 1:15, “And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.” The word “repent” in Mark 15 is the Greek verb metanoeo, which means “to think differently.” The last part of this verse can literally be translated as: “Think differently and believe that Jesus died on a cross for your sins, He was buried and then resurrected from the dead three days later for our justification.” Yet, the Devil has corrupted all modern Bible revisions to say something very different.

For example: Here is a comparison between the inspired King James Bible and the corrupt Easy-To-Read Version (ERV)...
KING JAMES BIBLE (KJB) — Mark 1:15, “And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.” [emphasis added]

EASY-TO-READ VERSION (ERV) — Mark 1:15, “He said, “The right time is now here. God’s kingdom is very near. Change your hearts and lives, and believe the Good News!” [emphasis added]
Dear reader, after what I have just showed you from the Bible—that the word “repent means to think differently—do you see how perverse and dishonest the new Bible revisions are? I cannot warn you enough to avoid ALL of the modern Bible revisions, because they are all perverted, teaching a counterfeit gospel to hinder sinners from coming to Christ to be saved.

Remember, Judas turned from his sins (this is reformation, not repentance). Judas was sorry for betraying an innocent man (this is penitence, not repentance). Judas even returned the 30 pieces of silver to the wicked Pharisees (this is penance, not repentance). Even though Judas was sorry, turned from his sins and tried to make a mend for his sins, he still went to Hell forever. Bible repentance is not turning away from your sinful ways, it is acknowledging your sinfulness and trusting in the Savior to be saved.

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